Saturday, February 04, 2006


* My mom? She's got a blog. She told me on the phone this morning. I didn't ask her about it; if she wants me to know what/where it is, she'll tell me. But just in case you did find this one, Mom, don't just lurk - let me know you're here, okay?

* Wee bit of a headache today. The weather? A hearty glass of red and a bottle of beer last night? A little bit of both?

* That fund raising event I'm co-chairing? It's next weekend. We still haven't sold 100 tickets (our target was between 200-300). Sucks. And my co-chair? Just cancelled the meeting we had scheduled for today. We're getting together tomorrow. This thing can't be over soon enough.

* Okay, maybe I am an extrovert after all. All I know is that I'm going frickin' crazy sitting in a work space where there is no music in the background, and only occasionally do my co-workers call out to ask a question (strictly work related, of course). I'm tempted to ask if they can put me downstairs right in the middle of the salesmen. That would be an education.

* An unfinished life - isn't that the title of a book or a movie or something? I feel like that's me. There's some purpose for my life out there, but I just haven't figured out what it is, and until I find out, I'm going to feel incomplete.

* One thing - that's working for me. I did go to the gym after work on Tuesday. I can't remember the one thing for Weds, but on Thurs it was dinner with the man, and last night I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at home and remembered to mail my sister-in-law's birthday card. Today? The oil change for Trucklet (and an unplanned bath - she was so excited!) and time at the gym. And I was going to have that meeting with my co-chair, so since she cancelled, catching up with myself. See - three things and I would have been happy with just the one.

And now, with the next hour and a half that I didn't plan on having to myself - a little curling up with a book before Susan drops by. Cya!!

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