Sunday, February 13, 2005

Oh, What A Night!

The party was a huge success!

The count was up to 133 by early Friday afternoon, and the restaurant owner was literally turning people away. With walk-ins and latecomers, I'd guess there were 150 people there. From what I saw and heard, everyone had a great time. The band was awesome, and the food was spectacular. Everything exceeded my wildest expectations.

We got home around 12:30 and someone ordered pizza. I didn't think I was hungry, but I wolfed down two slices and it was around 2:30 by the time I got to bed. I knew I would wake up early, and sure enough, the headache was pounding by 5:30 a.m. I really didn't think I'd had that much to drink, but it felt like a hangover coming on. I took a handful (okay, three) of ibuprofen and hoped that the headache would go away. No such luck. I threw up for the first time half an hour later.

I tried drinking some liquid. Threw up some more. By that time Michelle was up and she encouraged me to drink some more. Threw up again. Susan got up and we chatted for awhile, and then we all tried to go back to sleep. Threw up for the third time. Everyone was awake again, and we actually all piled into my king sized bed (okay, two twins shoved together) and watched television and talked about the party. My mom called, and Michelle answered before passing the phone to Susan, who chatted briefly before passing the phone to me.

I tried drinking more liquid. Threw up yet again. Phil came downstairs and said I should try some juice, and maybe a cracker. Michelle left, and Susan was getting ready to go. Tried drinking the juice, said goodbye to Susan, and threw up again. Switched back to the clear soda, and took a phone call from Vicki. By this time it is going on 12:30 and I have been upchucking for nearly five hours.

Threw up one last wretched and, thankfully, final, time. I knew it was the final effort because it was pure bile. Crawled back into bed and dozed. Sipped a little soda, and when a whole hour went by without puking, I dared to try to eat a little banana - Phil said the potassium would help. Managed to keep three bites of banana down for an hour, and then ate three more bites. Over the course of the next few hours, I managed to eat the entire banana. Slept, watched television and just rested.

Later in the afternoon I kept down some saltines and more soda. Around 8:00 p.m. I had a small bowl of Cheerios. By 9:00, I turned out the light and went to sleep. Not the way I wanted to spend the day after such a fantastic night. Not sure what hit me - this definitely was not a hangover. Something I ate totally disagreed with me. The chex snack mix with wasabi peas? The pizza? The grapes? Or was it the mixing of fruity martinis with White Russians and rum and cokes?

No matter - nothing can take away from Friday night. Here's what I looked like before the barf bash (bare bear with me while I try to remember how to insert an image tag):


Yes, I know. I've 'outed' myself by showing a picture of The Face. And The Body. But honestly, if you looked that absafuckinlutely awesome, you'd show it off too, wouldn't you?

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