Thursday, May 12, 2005

On Vacation: Day Nine

Slept until 7:30. Wish I could have slept later - I'm still tired. Got up and went to pilates class at the gym. Interestingly enough, even though I'm now 40 I still seem to be one of the youngest people wherever I go. I'm one of the youngest in my yoga class, I'm the youngest in this pilates class, and I'm still one of the youngest in my women's group. That's one way to feel young - just hang out with older people!

Phil strolled in around 10:30. He spent the night at his girlfriend's place and was just getting up. I honestly don't know how he can sleep that long/late. With me, once the sun comes up, I'm up too.

Bagged the leaves that I'd left loose in the street yesterday. The public works guys will be so proud of me. Raked some more and pulled a few weeds but then came in. You know what? I might take a nap. Yeah - why not? Why not, indeed ...

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