Monday, June 20, 2005

On Vacation: Day Thirty-Five

Per doctor's orders, I'm blogging from the backyard.

Had a meeting with my new friend Natalie, who happens to be a physician. She could see how utterly exhausted I was, and she insisted that I go outside and enjoy the sunlight this afternoon. How could I say no?

I am totally wiped out. I seem to have caught some type of summer cold virus. The glands they are a-swollen and it hurts to swallow. I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm dragging. I still have mulch to be moved, but you know what? It will be there tomorrow. Or the next day.

Of course, try as I might, I can't seem to catch a nap. It's too hot to actually fall asleep in the sun. I guess I'll have to wait for yoga to catch some zzzz's. And hope that I can get a good night's sleep tonight, because I've got a full day tomorrow. Pilates class followed by exit interview at work followed by an hour or two of paperwork in the office followed by an informational interview followed by some shopping followed by a Summer Soltice party. Long, full day.

About the only thing I did accomplish today was dropping a postcard in the mail to Dan Tobin. I don't remember how I found most of the blogs I link to, but I remember finding Dan through Brian. Of course, what really intrigued me about Dan was his other blog. Being the mistress of the other blog myself, I was enthralled and captivated by the Master of Movement. And we both started our other blogs in May 2004, so I feel a sort of special kinship with Dan because of that.

I only have one complaint - while I like the fact that Dan's posts are short, so I can read them quickly, there's so damn many of them that ultimately they add up to a long post, so really, what's the difference?

Just a thought in my sleep deprived, sun baked (I see we have that in common too!), semi-employed stupor.

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